Friday, October 25, 2013

Week of October 28-November 1

Please continue to sign your child's assignment books.

If you would like to donate extra toys/goodies from home to our treasure chest; that would be greatly appreciate it!

The Halloween parade will be at 1:15 p.m. on Thursday, October 31st.  Then we will have our classroom party at 1:30 p.m.
Please keep in mind the following guidelines when helping your child pick out a Halloween costume:

1. We only have 15 minutes for costume changes. Please make sure your child can change into his/her costume easily and by themselves. If the costume can be worn over their clothes, then both the time to change and the chances of losing any clothes is minimized.

2. If the costume involves make up, please apply it before your child comes to school. If you send your child in with makeup, then your child has to be able to apply it themselves. 

3. Please do not send any weapons (guns, swords, etc.) as part of the costume. Save those for trick-or-treating.

4. We will not have time to change back into our clothes for dismissal. Your child will wear their costume home.

We will begin chapter 4: multiplication this week. We will be working with all different ways to multiply numbers including: arrays, grouping, and repeated addition.

This week we will work on Halloween words. There will be a homework packet given to the students on Monday. The homework packet is due Thursday. There will be a final test on the words on Friday.

We will continue using Daily 5 this week as well as the teacher table. We will be starting our new basil story: Cliffhanger. We will still be using the skill inferring as we read.

The final draft haunted house is due on Monday. We will be decorating our haunted houses in class. On Friday we will take a pretest on unit 3-verbs.

Social Studies

We will continue to study Downers Grove. Our field trip for Downers Grove is scheduled for November 22. The permission slips will go home in about 2 weeks.

We will continue to study Chapter 9- the water cycle. We will be focusing on lesson 2 this week.

Have a great weekend!

Mystery Blog Question! (this is optional)
·         Bring in your answer to this question on Monday morning for a mint or sticker…

1.     What year did Pierce Downers decide to travel west to the Downers Grove area?

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